Committees within the Lakehead District School Board
Miiniwewinan: Indigenous Education Advisory Committee (IEAC)
The Lakehead District School Board has recognized the importance of working with the Indigenous community by establishing Miiniwewinan: Indigenous Education Advisory Committee (IEAC) in November 2004. The Committee is comprised of six Indigenous parents/guardians, an Indigenous youth, Indigenous agencies, a Trustee, an Elder and internal Lakehead Public Schools staff. It should be included that representation from both teachers unions are on the committee (LETO and OSSTF).
Equity and Inclusive Education Advisory Committee
Ontario’s diversity is one of its greatest assets. It is the Ministry of Education’s responsibility to respect and value the full range of differences we find in our students, staff, and the entire community. We know that to create safe, inclusive and engaging learning environments within our publicly funded education system, we must be committed to equity and inclusion for all students. In addition, Lakehead District School Board appoints Trustees to sit on the committee.
Parent Involvement Committee
The purpose of the Committee is to support, encourage and enhance parent engagement at the Board level in order to improve student achievement and well being. In addition, Lakehead District School Board appoints Trustees to sit on the committee.
Special Education Advisory Committee (SEAC)
The Special Education Advisory Committee (SEAC) is composed of representatives from local associations/agencies, parents/guardians and community members dedicated to furthering the interests and well being of exceptional children and adults. In addition, Lakehead District School Board appoints Trustees to sit on the committee.