Find the resources you need to succeed.
The following online resources are for students, parents/guardians and families to use and explore.
- Audio and eBook Collections – SORA / OverDrive
- Brightspace (D2L/Classroom Websites)
- Canva
- Clever Portal (Reflex Math)
- Edsby
- Find a School
- French Immersion
- Head Lice
- Homework Help
- Insignia (Library System)
- Kids Help Phone 1-800-668-6868
- Kingfisher Outdoor Education
- Mental Health Resources
- Office 365 (Get it FREE!)
- School Cash Online
- School Year Calendars
- Travel: Using your school account/email
outside of Canada (and the USA) - What’s my School Zone?
- Lakehead District School Board’s Bullying Prevention and Intervention Plan

- Audio and eBook Collections – SORA / OverDrive
- After School Programs
- Alternative Programs
- Awards & Scholarships
- Brightspace (D2L/Classroom Websites)
- Canva
- Clever Portal (reflex Math)
- Course Information
- E-Learning
- Edsby
- Find a School
- French Immersion
- Graduation Action Plan
- Head Lice
- Homework Help
- Insignia (Library System)
- International Baccalaureate Programme
- Kids Help Phone 1-800-668-6868
- Kingfisher Outdoor Education
- Mental Health Resources
- Office 365 (Get it FREE!)
- OYAP (Ontario Youth Apprenticeship Program)
- Peer Mediation
- Provincial Testing
- Resources (OERB)
- Rowan’s Law – Concussion Safety
- SchoolCash Online
- School Year Calendars
- Specialist High Skills Major (SHSM)
- Sports
- Starting Grade 9
- Territorial Student Program (TSP)
- Transcript Request
- Travel: Using your school account/email
outside of Canada (& the USA) - Volunteer Hours
- What’s my School Zone?
- Lakehead District School Board’s Bullying Prevention and Intervention Plan