School Social Work & Mental Health Resources

Lakehead Public Schools offers school social work services and mental health resources for students, families and staff to assist with challenges, transitions, and issues. Please visit the following links to learn more. If a student, family, or staff member needs help, please reach out; someone is here to help.
Children’s Mental Health & Virtual Learning:…/
School Social Work Services (ELEMENTARY):
Individual Clinical Services are provided for students throughout elementary and secondary schools. Elementary social workers are contracted through Children’s Centre Thunder Bay. Referred students are provided with approximately 5 sessions if individual counselling with a registered social worker at the school. If your elementary age child is interested in individual services, please contact your school principal.
School Social Work Services (SECONDARY):
Secondary students can complete the online self-referral form to seek counselling with a registered social worker:…
Mental Health Resources for Students, Families & Staff: