
Click here to login to Edsby.

Edsby is the main an online learning management system for Hammarskjold, Westgate CVI and Superior CVI. Edsby helps connect students, parents and teachers. Login to Edsby to stay up to date on class work, grades and learning resources.


  1. Use your Office ID to login at https://lakehead.edsby.com. If you’re using the app, you will need the code – lakehead.
  2. Username: The first 8 characters of the first name, followed by the first 8 characters of the last name, followed by two numbers for the month of birth, followed by two numbers for the day of birth. (e.g. johndoe1225)
  3. Password: –The first initials of the first and last name, follow by a dash, followed by the last six numbers of the student number (e.g. jd-123456)


  1. Call your school and ask for the school data secretary. Make sure you provide them with your email so that Edsby can send you and invitation.
  2. Check your email for an “Invitation from Edsby to connect with your school”. This email may be in your spam or junk folder. When you receive the email, click the link to accept the invitation.
  3. You will be asked to confirm some student information and set a password. Login at https://lakehead.edsby.com. Your username is your email, and your password is the one you picked during registration.
  4. Forgot your password? Parents can click “forgot password” on the main page to reset their password.

Helpful Resources

  1. How to set up a parent account
  2. Support for students
  3. Support for parents/guardians