Grade 9 Registration
Grade 9 registration is an exciting time for grade 8 students. We are here to make the transition from grade 8 to grade 9 as smooth as possible, and fun, too!
Students who are already enrolled with Lakehead Public Schools will go through an automatic transfer process with their grade 8 teacher.
Students who are not currently enrolled with Lakehead Public Schools can register for grade 9 2021-2022 with our school system here: Lakehead Public Schools Online Registration Home (
To find out more about our three secondary schools, select the icons below to visit them on Facebook.
Lakehead Public Schools offers an array of programs and services to provide every student with the resources, supports, and tools to achieve their highest academic potential. Visit our YouTube channel to learn about course selection, the transition from grade 8-9, French Immersion, IB Programme, Indigenous Education, Advanced Placement, the Arts, Kickstart, student supports, and more:
Secondary at Lakehead Public Schools – YouTube
Click here to take a virtual tour of Westgate CVI!
Lakehead Public Schools is committed to the success of every student. You belong here.