
Labour Relations Update

November 22, 2015

On October 22, 2015 we communicated that, due to labour sanctions, we would be postponing the issuing of Progress Reports. Now that a central/provincial agreement has been reached, we will be moving forward with Progress Reports, thus please note the following information:

Progress Reports for Grades 1-8 will be going home on Friday, December 11th.

Students in Kindergarten will not receive a progress report in December. Teachers who have concerns about a student’s progress will communicate with parents/guardians directly to discuss your child’s progress. Similarly, if you, as a Kindergarten parent, have a concern about your child’s progress, please contact your child’s teacher.

Term 1 Report Cards will be issued to Kindergarten students on February 5; Term 2 Report Cards will be issued on June 24.

Teachers who have concerns about a student’s progress will communicate with parents/guardians.

As we are approaching the holiday season, we also recognized that there may be additional opportunities for parents to visit our classrooms and schools, and, as always, we welcome such participation and visits.

Your patience and understanding as we worked through the delay in Progress Reports have been greatly appreciated.


November 3, 2015

Central tentative agreements have been reached with the Elementary Teachers’ Federation of Ontario (ETFO) and the Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE)

As a result of these tentative agreements, both ETFO and CUPE have agreed to suspend all central job actions immediately.

Job action does remain in place for OSSTF Education Workers – Student Support Professionals and Early Childhood Education Workers.

Thank you for your patience and understanding.

October 22, 2015

Elementary Progress Report Postponed
Given the current, cumulative impact of labour action by education unions across the province, Lakehead Public Schools, along with most other public school boards in Ontario, is postponing elementary Progress Reports.

We will continue to monitor the labour situation and will provide the Progress Reports if time allows. This means that if the situation is resolved within the next few weeks, school staff will provide Progress Reports for students. However, if the job action continues beyond that, there may not be sufficient time to provide Progress Reports as school staff will be focused on the completion and distribution of Term 1 Report Cards.

We understand that this is frustrating and that parents want information about their children’s progress. As always, if you have any questions about how your child is doing in school, you may contact his or her teacher for this information.

Again, we continue to monitor the labour situation and will provide updates as they become available. We thank you for your ongoing patience.

October 8, 2015

If you have questions or want to know what is happening in Lakehead Public Schools related to negotiations:

Follow us on Twitter -@LakeheadSchools
Like us on Facebook –
Questions can be directed to –

October 2, 2015

While tentative local and provincial agreements have been reached with OSSTF Teachers and Continuing Education Teachers, agreements with a number of other unions and federations have not been reached and job action has been initiated.
At this time, schools will continue to:

  • Remain open
  • Ensure students and staff are safe
  • Ensure student learning continues

Individual Union and Federation Updates:
Secondary Teachers
The Lakehead District School Board and members of the Ontario Secondary School Teachers’ Federation (OSSTF) District 6A Teacher’s Bargaining Unit have reached a tentative contract agreement for Teachers and Continuing Education Teachers.
Local ratification is expected to occur during the week of October 5.

Elementary Teachers
Elementary Teachers represented by the Elementary Teachers’ Federation of Ontario (ETFO) are currently in Phase 3 of a withdrawal of services.

For a full list of sanctions, please visit the ETFO website at:

Custodial, Maintenance and Cafeteria Staff
Custodial, Maintenance and Cafeteria Staff represented by the Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE) are currently in Phase Two of a withdrawal of services.

For more information on CUPE withdrawal of services, please visit

Student Support Professionals
Student Support Professionals (SSP’s) represented by the Ontario Secondary School Teachers’ Federation (OSSTF) have initiated a withdrawal of services.

For more information, please visit

Early Childhood Educators
Early Childhood Educators (ECE’s) represented by the Ontario Secondary School Teachers’ Federation (OSSTF) have initiated a withdrawal of services.

For more information, please visit