Student Travel Advisory
TO: All Students and Families of Lakehead District School Board
FROM: Ian MacRae, Director of Education
DATE: Thursday, November 26, 2020
RE: Student Travel Advisory
The health and safety of our school communities is very important to us and essential to the learning experience of our students. We are taking a preventative approach to protect our students and staff from the COVID-19 virus.
All Lakehead District School Board staff have recently been advised not to travel outside the northwestern Ontario region. Should travel outside the region occur, staff are not to attend Lakehead District School Board properties for 14 days upon return and must be asymptomatic prior to returning to work. Effective today, the same travel advisory is being extended to Lakehead District School Board students. Until further notice, students who travel outside the northwestern Ontario region are not permitted to attend school properties until 14 days post return and must be asymptomatic. The northwestern Ontario region is defined as White River to the Manitoba border.
The Lakehead District School Board will continue to support the academic needs of all students, including students who are self-isolating. Should your child require self-isolation due to travel outside of northwestern Ontario, please contact your child’s school to arrange for academic support. Please be aware that the academic support your child receives in such circumstances may look different from class to class/course to course.
The Lakehead District School Board recognizes some students may have to travel for essential reasons such as medical care or other reasons protected under the Ontario Human Rights Code. If you believe that your child may have such extenuating circumstances, you are encouraged to reach out to your school principal or vice-principal.
Our decisions to implement staff and student travel advisories are based on current medical advice. Our messaging will remain consistent with recommendations and advisories from the Thunder Bay District Health Unit as updated.
If you have questions regarding this student travel advisory, please contact your principal or vice-principal.
Thank you for considering the health and safety of our students, staff and school communities. Your efforts during these difficult times are appreciated.