The P.A.R.T.Y is at Superior!
The P.A.R.T.Y. is being held at Superior Collegiate and Vocational Institute on Wednesday, November 1. It’s not your average party – P.A.R.T.Y. stands for Prevent Alcohol and Risk-Related Trauma in Youth and is designed to encourage youth to make safer choices when it comes to high risk behaviors.
The P.A.R.T.Y Program is an evidence based international program that includes:
- Introduction to the P.A.R.T.Y. Program and Injury Prevention
- Police presentation with trauma scenario
- Tour of the Emergency Department Trauma Room and experience what happens during a trauma
- Presentation on substance use and abuse
- Injury Survivors shares their story
- Class interactive session discussing risk taking behaviours and risk reduction alternatives.
The day long P.A.R.T.Y. at Superior Collegiate and Vocational Institute will follow the painful journey of a trauma patient from pre-hospital care through to rehabilitation or death.
“Each student who attends the P.A.R.T.Y. will be impacted in different ways and they will all gain new insights on the importance of good decision making,” says Andrew Foulds, Acting Vice Principal at Superior Collegiate and Vocational Institute. “We are extremely fortunate to have the opportunity to work with our healthcare professionals and other community partners to ensure that all students are aware of the consequences with regard to decision making.”
The all-day event, provided by Injury Prevention staff from Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Centre, will provide students with an opportunity to learn interactively through video, presentations and hands on activities. Students will also receive information on a variety of topics including binge drinking, crisis and suicide prevention resources and handout cards with information on a number of illegal and dangerous drugs.
Other community partners involved in the P.A.R.T.Y. Program at Superior Collegiate and Vocational Institute include:
- Thunder Bay Police
- Sister Margaret Smith Centre
- Regional Supervising Coronor, Northwestern Ontario
- Thunder Bay District Health Unit
- Ministry of Transportation
- Brain Injury Services on Northwestern Ontario
- Harbourview Funeral Home
- Drive Wise Driving School