Ronald McDonald House Charities

Valley Central Supporting McHappy Days

Valley Central Public School students, their families and staff are big supporters of the Ronald McDonald Foundation! On Wednesday, May 3 the school is hosting a benefit barbeque to support the foundation that provides homes for families with critically ill children. Close to 200 tickets have been sold to date! All funds raised go to the Ronald McDonald House foundation to support homes for families with critically ill children.

“Our school is inspired to help by a very special Grade one student and his family who spent 8 weeks at Ronald McDonald House,” says Christy Radbourne, Principal of Valley Central Public School.

Grade 1 student Delmar Cadieux’s family spent 8 weeks at the Ronald McDonald House when he was born at just 28 weeks. Delmar, now in Grade 1 at Valley, kicked off the fundraiser on April 28, by speaking about his family’s experience at the House.