Westgate to Host UIP
Westgate Collegiate and Vocational Institute is the proud host of this year’s University Information Program (UIP). On Wednesday, October 5, twenty one degree-granting universities from across Ontario will set up in the school to showcase their course offerings and special features. Graduating students and their parents from all Thunder Bay High Schools have been invited to attend the event being held from 6:30 pm to 9:00 p.m.
“This is an excellent opportunity for all Thunder Bay secondary school students to learn first hand what the universities are offering,” says Catherine Forbes, Chair of Student Services at Westgate Collegiate and Vocational Institute. “This event is primarily for graduating students, but we also encourage students in other grades to attend and to begin planning their post-secondary pathways.”
Each University attending the UIP will be assigned three 30 minute presentation timeslots in an assigned classroom. Attending students will choose which presentations that they would like to attend. At the end of the evening, students will have the opportunity to take advantage of an informal 30 minute “roam around” that will allow students to drop by specific classrooms to learn more about what each post secondary institution is offering.
Representatives from the 21 universities will not only provide information on the academic programs that they provide, but also on the student resources available on campus from sports and clubs to mental/physical/spiritual health services and security.
The UIP is designed to urge students to begin thinking ahead and for them to begin setting goals, both long and short term. This program will also give students an opportunity to discover that learning is the basis for continued personal and professional success. Students are urged to give consideration to the financial implications of not only the cost of their education, but also to the earning potential of specific careers.
“This is a very unique and important opportunity for any student that is contemplating post secondary education at an Ontario University,” says Forbes. “This is the only time of the year that representatives from all of the Ontario Universities will be in Thunder Bay to market their programs and services.”
For more information about the University Information Program, please call Westgate Collegiate and Vocational Institute at 577-4251.