Special Education Advisory Committee — Opportunity
Parents/Guardians and community members are invited to self-nominate for the community representative positions to the Special Education Advisory Committee.
To qualify as a representative, a person must:
- be a Canadian citizen;
- be the full age of eighteen years;
- be a resident within the jurisdiction of the Board;
- be a public school elector; and
- not be employed by the Lakehead District School Board in any capacity
The term of office will coincide with the term of office (4 years) for Board Trustees with the current term ending November 30, 2022. Regular monthly meetings are held the third Wednesday of each month from September to June, and take place from 6:00 – 8:00 pm.
SEAC is an advisory committee that advocates to the Board for students with unique needs and abilities.
SEAC members value and promote:
- Nurturing the individual child’s unique potential; and
- Allowing full development of each child’s innate personal integrity, love of learning, and creativity.
Members of SEAC share a desire for special education and speak with a common voice for the good of all students at Lakehead Public Schools.
If you are interested in becoming a member of SEAC, please contacting Robin Orr at (807) 625-5126 or on our website at Lakehead Public Schools – SEAC to obtain a nomination form.
Completed nomination forms can be submitted to:
SEAC Nominations
Lakehead Public Schools
Attention: Robin Orr
Jim McCuaig Education Centre
2135 Sills Street Thunder Bay ON P7E 5T2
or by Email to: