In The News

An Electrifying Day at Kingsway

Not that it normally isn’t, but Kingsway Park Public School will be an electrifying place to be on Thursday, January 19. Students in Grades 4 to 6 will have the opportunity to learn from the Science North “Bluecoats” as they will be delivering a jolting presentation on electricity and robotics.

“Our students always look forward to this exciting learning opportunity with the staff from Science North,” says Darren Lentz, Principal of Kingsway Park Public School. “The students will be able to learn curriculum relevant science while they participate in exciting and fun hands-on activities.”

Science North Programming for Thursday, January 19

Robot Hack Lab

In the Robot Hack Lab, students will learn all about robots. What is a robot? How do robots accomplish different tasks? Students will learn how to build a robot and program it, using their creativity and problem solving skills to guide them. They will have a chance to experiment with how a robot senses its surroundings and create light and movement.

Maker Spectacular

Maker Spectacular will be all about how electrical circuits are important systems that allow us to accomplish so many things in our everyday lives. Using “Makey Makeys”, students will explore how an electrical circuit works, and use that knowledge to design their own game controller. Students will be encouraged to be innovative as they explore the world of system design and circuit engineering – inventiveness and creativity earning them extra points.

The day at Kingsway Park Public School will culminate with entire school coming together for “THE Science Show”, a live show to celebrate Science North’s Bluecoats favourite demonstrations from the world of science, and how they have led to amazing innovations today. From biology to physics, chemistry to geology, the show covers it all! There will be flying smoke rings, foaming chemical reactions, and MORE!