New Superintendent of Education Announced
At this afternoon’s Special Board Meeting, the Lakehead District School Board approved the recommendation to appoint Michelle Probizanski to the position of Superintendent of Education. The appointment will commence July 1.
“As an administrator with experience in both the elementary and secondary panels, Michelle brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to the position of Superintendent of Education,” says Ian MacRae, Director of Education. “She has proven herself to be an outstanding educator who is keenly focused on the Board’s number one priority, student success.”
Michelle Probizanski is a graduate of Lakehead University in 1997 and earned a Master of Education: Curriculum Studies at the University of Toronto in 2004. She has been an administrator with Lakehead Public Schools for 15 years. Ms. Probizanski is currently the Principal of Superior Collegiate and Vocational Institute.
Michelle Probizanski replaces Colleen Kappel as the Superintendent of Education for Lakehead Public Schools. Following a lengthy and successful career in education, Superintendent Kappel is retiring.