Virtual Learning Continues for Remainder of School Year

Dear Parents and Guardians,

The Government of Ontario has announced today that elementary and secondary school students will continue to learn virtually for the remainder of the school year. At Lakehead Public Schools, we strive to teach and encourage your child so they feel accomplished, happy, and confident. In challenging times like these, it is important to persevere and to offer children emotional, social, physical, and mental health supports. The following resource from the Government of Canada provides guidance for parents and children coping during a pandemic and lockdown: COVID-19 resources for parents and children –

Your child’s school will be sending you information shortly regarding the retrieval of personal items from classrooms, as well as the return of school property items such as devices.

Should you or your child require school social work support or mental health support, please do not hesitate to access it by visiting our website: School Social Work & Mental Health Resources | Lakehead Public Schools ( We are here for you.

To view the Government of Ontario’s news release on its decision to continue with virtual learning, click here: Remote Learning to Continue across Ontario for the Remainder of School Year | Ontario Newsroom