Report Cards

Report Cards and Assessment

The following is based on information received from the Ministry of Education:

All students, K-12, will receive a June report card.

Elementary Students

For students in elementary school, teachers will assign tasks, projects and activities during the school closure period and provide meaningful feedback. Evidence of learning during the closure period may be taken in consideration when determining a final grade if it improves the student’s mark. Otherwise, students in Grades 1 to 8 will be assigned the grades earned based on their learning up until schools closed on March 13, 2020.

Secondary Students

For students in secondary school, teachers will assign tasks, projects and activities during the school closure period and provide feedback, assessment, and evaluation; however, this work will only be taken into consideration for final marks if it improves the student’s mark. If not, final marks submitted in June will reflect work completed by March 13, 2020. There will be no final exams for secondary students this semester.

It is essential to remind students to continue to stay engaged in their at home learning. Gaining the critical knowledge and skills to move on to the next level in their learning is of the utmost importance for all students.