Mental Health Resources for Students, Staff and Families
Where to Get Help
If this is a mental health emergency and safety is the immediate concern and help is needed now – Call 911 or go to your hospital emergency department.
Children Centre/Thunder Bay Counselling Walk in Talk in Services
Dilico call in Services – Tuesdays 1pm-7pm
CMHA Crisis Response
If you need to talk to someone right away please call 346-8282
Kids Help Phone
Kids Help Phone is Canada’s only 24/7, national support service. They offer professional counselling, information and referrals and volunteer-led, text-based support to young people in both English and French.
By phone- You can reach a Kids Help Phone counsellor 24/7 at 1-800-668-6868.
By Text – Need help now? Text CONNECT to 686868
Live Chat – Kids Help Phone’s Live Chat hours are temporarily reduced so we can provide more timely access to support through our other services. Live Chat is currently open daily from midnight to 7:00 a.m. ET. Visit
Mental Health Resources for Students and Parents
School Mental Ontario
School Mental Health Ontario supports Ontario schools to enhance the quality and consistency of mental health promotion, prevention and early intervention programming in Ontario schools. SMHO also provides resources to parents on mental health awareness in the way of activities, tip sheets, videos and important questions you might have. Check out this link for more information.
Children’s Mental Health Ontario
Children’s Mental Health Ontario (CMHO) represents Ontario’s publicly funded Child and Youth Mental Health Centres. We advocate for investments, policies, and programs for children, youth, and families seeking mental health services in Ontario. Our goal is to promote a coordinated and high-quality system of care that puts children, youth and families first.
Back-to-School Mental Health Kit
While back-to-school is hard for most children and youth in a normal year, this year our kids are facing extraordinary circumstances relating to the pandemic and infection control measures. We know parents are experiencing unprecedented stress and are worried about their kids’ mental wellness.
To help, Children’s Mental Health Ontario (CMHO) has prepared a Back-to-School Mental Health Kit. We want to empower families who are concerned about their child’s mental health and help you find further mental health supports if you need them
School Social Work Services
Elementary and High School Services
Individual Clinical Services are provided for students throughout the elementary and high schools. Our model focuses on brief, solution focused problem-solving methods to help promote resilience and coping with the goal of enhancing social emotional learning skills and success in the classroom. Our elementary social workers as well as our Westgate Highschool social worker are contracted through Children’s Centre Thunder Bay. Referred students are provided with approximately 5 sessions if individual counselling with a registered social worker at the school. If your elementary age child is interested in individual services, please contact your school principal. For high school students, visit your student success office.
Information and Resources
Three Year Mental Health Strategy
Noticing Mental Health Concerns For Your Child – Info Sheet – EN (PDF Download)
Supporting Mental Health and Wellness during the Return to School – Tip Sheet – EN (PDF Download)
Personal Resiliency Tips for Helpers Who Support Students
St. John Ambulance Therapy Dog Sharing His Love (YouTube Video)