Printing Artistic Visions
On Thursday, December 6, Westmount Public School Grade 7/8 Fine Arts Academy students will be printing their artistic visions as they continue to study printmaking. The have been working closely with local artists, including Brian Holden, through the Community Arts & Heritage Education Project (CAHEP). On December 6th, the students will be going to the Baggage Building Art Centre to print their plates using an actual printing press to bring their artistic vision to life.
“The Fine Arts Academy students have analyzed various pieces of printmaking art and then planned their own designs,” says Laura Bijzak, Teacher at Westmount Public School. “Over the past few weeks they have been preparing their ideas and plates in preparation for this event.”
The Westmount Public School Academy provides Grade 7 and 8 students with the opportunity to learn in an experiential and rigorous environment while meeting the requirements of the Ontario Curriculum. The Lakehead Public Schools academies provide opportunities for students to participate in inquiry and/or project activities that encourage students to learn through active experience, reflect on the experience and apply their learning to various aspects of their lives.