Westmount Academy Takes a spin to Westgate
They weren’t just spinning their wheels! The Westmount Public School Academy Grade 7 and 8 students worked in partnership with the Westgate Collegiate and Vocational Institute Grade 11 and 10 Transportation Technology class to repair and restore old, donated bicycles to send to Africa as part of Westgate’s Bicycles for Humanity program.
“The partnership between Westmount and Westgate allowed the elementary students to get some experience with their Family of Schools partner while also exploring technology, and building new relationships,” says Lisa Dampier, Grade 7/8 Teacher at Westmount Public School.
In addition to the partnership with Westgate Collegiate and Vocational Institute, the Westmount Academy has established a partnership with the Lakehead Region Conservation Authority (LRCA). The LRCA has helped to develop a program for the Westmount Academy focusing on mapping local watersheds and testing water quality in our community. The program involves field trips to Hazelwood Lake Conservation Area for mapping/GPS skills through geocaching and Mission Marsh for water testing..
The Westmount Public School Academy is one of three pilot project Lakehead Public School Learning Academies. The Academies provide Grade 7 and 8 students with the opportunity to learn in an experiential and rigorous environment while meeting the requirements of the Ontario Curriculum. The pilot academies provide opportunities for students to participate in inquiry and/or project activities that encourage students to learn through active experience, reflect on the experience and apply their learning to various aspects of their lives.
Lakehead Public Schools Pilot Learning Academies
Westmount Public School
Focused on Sports & Recreation, Fine Arts and Global Citizenship.
Kingsway Park Public School
Focused on Outdoor Physical & Environmental Education and Arts & Music
Five Mile Public School
Focused on Well-being, Environmental Education and Social Justice & Citizenship