Welcome to Edsby

Edsby is the main online learning management system for Hammarskjold, Westgate CVI, and Superior CVI. Edsby helps connect students, parents/guardians, and teachers. Students can log in to Edsby to stay up to date on class work, grades, and learning resources. Families can connect to Edsby so they can keep up to date, as well as, communicate with their child’s teacher.

Using Edsby, you can stay connected to many of the things going on in your high school.
This includes: 

  • Learning Resources
  • Lessons and Assignments
  • Extra-Curricular Clubs and Groups
  • School News and Updates
  • Assessments and Feedback

Starting in Grade 9, students can connect to Edsby using their Office ID
Here’s How:


  1. Login: Visit https://lakehead.edsby.com and use your Office ID. You can also download the app and enter the code – lakehead. 
    • Username: Use the first 8 characters of your first name, followed by the first 8 characters of your last name, and then add two numbers for the month of your birth and two numbers for the date of your birth (e.g., johndoe1225). 
    • Password: Use the first initials of your first and last name, add a dash, and include the last six numbers of your student ID (e.g., jd-123456). 

PARENTS/GUARDIANS: connect with Edsby to stay updated on your child’s progress

  1. Contact the school, provide your email to the school’s Data Secretary to receive your Edsby invitation.
  2. Check your email for an “Invitation from Edsby to connect with (your child’s name)’s school”.
  3. Click the link to accept the invitation. (Check your spam or junk email, if necessary)
  4. Set up your account by confirming student information, setting up a password, and logging in at https://lakehead.edsby.com using your email as the username.
  5. Forgot your password click”forgot password” on the main page to reset it.
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